Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Snows of Kilimanjaro

This story was easy for me to read. I was able to follow it all really easily. Ernest Hemingway is kind of a depressing guy, yet his stories always a valid point. This one in particular Hemingway is telling us to do what we love and not to waste our time with other stuff.
Harry seems to have lived his life without meaning. He has traveled and seen the world but the thing he regrets as he lays on his death bed- is that he never took the time to write it all down. Writing was his passion and he didn't ever take to it. He blames other people in the story and then constantly goes back and blames himself. He goes back and forth from being a really nice guy to being a total jerk. His personality changes drastically, I guess that happens when you realize you didn't live the life you wanted to.
The story ending is confusing to me, but I think he is dreaming. A plane comes at the end and takes him to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro-which ties directly back to the opening of the story. He writes that there is this leopard carcass that is frozen on the peak of Kilimanjaro. I think he is symbolically the leopard. He realized his life, he realized what he was chasing at the very peak of his dream. And then he freezes (or dies) just like that leopard.

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